Tuesday, March 11, 2014


For a while I just kept repeating the title of this post over and over again until I realized that the answer to your question about differences you see between life during high school and life after high school is in the title itself. In high school everything is a have to (hafta) and we don't do things the way we want to. We do things for a grade which 90% of the time means manipulating the system somehow and figuring out ways to pass that one assignment, but does that information stay for as long as it should? No. We have to learn things to pass a test which eventually won't matter to us. The difference between after high school and life in high school is that we do things we want, take the classes we need and want and sure there's still that sense of 'you have to take and pass this class' but this time it's really for your long term benefit and not just a grade for a class so you can graduate. No, life after high school will be tricky and hard and frustrating and stressful, but that's because we have this new freedom to want things we can actually have. And god doesn't that just amazing? Going from being locked up and forced to go to school everyday to having a choice. No we won't magically transform into adventurous butterflies right after graduation. We may not even discover our wanna part till our second year of college, I think that's why it's common for students to go to college with an undeclared major, they've got to adjust to going from having to, to wanting to.

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